Parasteatoda DataBASE

Extract numeric data from tables deposited in the public databases

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Lines including "aug3.g19406" were extracted from LAB02_HTseq_count_per_gene_aug3_RPKM.txt
10454aug3.g19406Scaffold3239KB839207.1451618937+LOC107446816activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15-like, transcript variant X1280.9679034500.4204751444.6600023203.8503133345.7517283567.0731256247.0371096690.1927365760.5024142213.1352452389.3047458570.8406798
1 lines are displayed (max. 100).
A total of 1 lines were matched.

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Last updated by hiroki oda, 2020.5.31