Parasteatoda DataBASE

Extract numeric data from tables deposited in the public databases

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Lines including "aug3.g214" were extracted from GSE136357_DEG_ptc_st5.txt
aug3.g214530.4971804310.00810588-0.208802830.5285989520.3223817740.4183022290.1783877640.654062616aug3.g21453tr|Q9VM49|Q9VM49_DROMECG11266, isoform ACG112664.00E-139tr|B4DRA0|B4DRA0_HUMANcDNA FLJ58459, highly similar to RNA-binding region-containing protein 24.00E-154
1 lines are displayed (max. 100).
A total of 1 lines were matched.

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Last updated by hiroki oda, 2020.3.15