Pt_spiderBASE v3

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Single Cell/Nucleus UMAP Plot Search

Gene/Transcript Records
NCBI geneID (-> UMAP)Ptep1.0/2.0 (-> genome browser)Scaffold AN (-> genome browser)StartEnd+/-Productaug3ID in Ptep2geneID in Ptep2E-value(for checking the relationship)
LOC107445449 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970009.1 543510 587461 - cyclin-T2 aug3.g1061 LOC107445449 0
LOC107451900 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970428.1 16 8186 + 2-oxoglutarate and iron-dependent oxygenase domain-containing protein 2 aug3.g10613 LOC107451900 0
LOC107451919 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970428.1 11142 43958 - clathrin heavy chain 2 aug3.g10614 LOC107451919 0
LOC107451858 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970428.1 42737 75462 + cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD1 aug3.g10615,aug3.g10616 LOC107451858 0
LOC107451937 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970428.1 87530 98908 - uncharacterized LOC107451937 aug3.g10618 LOC107451937 0
LOC107451952 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970428.1 101681 147700 - matrix metalloproteinase-2 aug3.g10619 LOC107451952 0
LOC122271252 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970671.1 3979 8117 + uncharacterized LOC122271252 aug3.g10613 LOC107451849 9e-96
LOC107451849 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970671.1 13021 33723 + fibropellin-1-like aug3.g17974,aug3.g10613 LOC107451849 0
LOC107446579 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971077.1 89415 90956 - uncharacterized LOC107446579 aug3.g19288,aug3.g10935,aug3.g10617 LOC107446579 0
LOC107451670 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971262.1 39626 118419 - putative phosphoenolpyruvate synthase aug3.g10610,aug3.g10609 LOC107451670,LOC107451677,LOC107449386 0
10 records were found.(Max.=1000)

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda, Takanori Akaiwa, and Hiroki Oda. (2022) Reconstruction of the Global Polarity of an Early Spider Embryo by Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Analysis(Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:933220)

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Last updated by Hiroki Oda, 2022.11.02