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Access to P. tepidariorum (Ptep) genome browsers

AUG3 and NCBI RefSeq Annotation (AR101)

Aug3 Records
aug3 IDScaffold (Ptep1.0)Scaffold (Ptep2.0)ncbiANRNA typencbiGeneIDProductExtract Data
aug3.g10637-dup1 Scaffold01193 Scf5bK3_145 NW_018376796.1 mRNA LOC107439556 transcriptional protein SWT1-like Go to the datasets
aug3.g13865-dup1 Scaffold01742 Scf5bK3_145 NW_018376796.1 mRNA LOC107439556 transcriptional protein SWT1-like Go to the datasets

Currently, the Ptep1.0 genome browser has the richest transcriptomic data, including devlepopmental series, hh|ptc|msh RNAi, regional cells of early embryos.

Developmental RNAseq data published in Iwasaki-Yokozawa et al. (2018) are available in the Genome browser (Ptep1.0).

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Last updated by hiroki oda, 2019.3.13