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Access to P. tepidariorum (Ptep) genome browsers

AUG3 and NCBI RefSeq Annotation (AR101)

Aug3 Records
aug3 IDScaffold (Ptep1.0)Scaffold (Ptep2.0)ncbiANRNA typencbiGeneIDProductExtract Data
aug3.g4504 Scaffold00567 Scf5bK3_306 NW_018376414.1 mRNA LOC107452081 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain protein 2B, transcript variant X7 Go to the datasets

Currently, the Ptep1.0 genome browser has the richest transcriptomic data, including devlepopmental series, hh|ptc|msh RNAi, regional cells of early embryos.

Developmental RNAseq data published in Iwasaki-Yokozawa et al. (2018) are available in the Genome browser (Ptep1.0).

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Last updated by hiroki oda, 2019.3.13