Pt_spiderBASE v3

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Single Cell/Nucleus UMAP Plot Search

Gene/Transcript Records
NCBI geneID (-> UMAP)Ptep1.0/2.0 (-> genome browser)Scaffold AN (-> genome browser)StartEnd+/-Productaug3ID in Ptep2geneID in Ptep2E-value(for checking the relationship)
LOC107451534 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 737550 756979 + N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase aug3.g21519,aug3.g16194,aug3.g18279 LOC107445013,LOC107451534 0
LOC107445020 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 763945 776588 - uncharacterized LOC107445020 aug3.g18278 LOC107445020 0
LOC107445015 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 786939 821489 + DNA topoisomerase I, mitochondrial aug3.g18277 LOC107445015 0
LOC107445016 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 824644 854740 + kinesin-like protein KIF3B aug3.g18276 LOC107445016 0
LOC107445017 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 859462 870826 - putative methyltransferase DDB_G0268948 aug3.g18275 LOC107445017 0
LOC107445019 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969662.1 872453 889310 - adenylosuccinate synthetase aug3.g18274 LOC107445019 0
LOC107447627 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969691.1 818722 822895 + uncharacterized LOC107447627 aug3.g1827 LOC107447627 0
LOC107445011 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969805.1 1167053 1174268 - uncharacterized LOC107445011 aug3.g18271 LOC107445011 0
LOC107445009 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969805.1 1184332 1217534 - peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor aug3.g18270,aug3.g21349 LOC107445009 0
LOC122269622 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969876.1 972245 972515 - uncharacterized LOC122269622 aug3.g18272 NA 5e-27
LOC107451902 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024972520.1 12328 23085 - uncharacterized LOC107451902 aug3.g18273,aug3.g21634,aug3.g25944 LOC107451902 0
LOC122273672 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024978411.1 558 3549 + uncharacterized LOC122273672 aug3.g18275 NA 0
12 records were found.(Max.=1000)

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda, Takanori Akaiwa, and Hiroki Oda. (2022) Reconstruction of the Global Polarity of an Early Spider Embryo by Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Analysis(Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:933220)

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Last updated by Hiroki Oda, 2022.11.02