Pt_spiderBASE v3

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Single Cell/Nucleus UMAP Plot Search

Gene/Transcript Records
NCBI geneID (-> UMAP)Ptep1.0/2.0 (-> genome browser)Scaffold AN (-> genome browser)StartEnd+/-Productaug3ID in Ptep2geneID in Ptep2E-value(for checking the relationship)
LOC107443392 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969857.1 261395 262387 - zinc finger protein 83-like aug3.g19217 LOC107443392 9e-20
LOC107443393 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969857.1 271669 272595 - zinc finger protein 28 aug3.g19217 LOC107443393 7e-16
LOC107447771 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970237.1 7814 32973 - stromal membrane-associated protein 1 aug3.g1921 LOC107447771 0
LOC107443918 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970517.1 60820 63890 + zinc finger protein 271-like aug3.g19217 LOC107443918 8e-68
LOC107443707 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970700.1 7411 24481 - uncharacterized LOC107443707 aug3.g17407,aug3.g19216 LOC107443707 0
LOC107446503 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971034.1 24394 30161 + uncharacterized LOC107446503 aug3.g19218 LOC107446503 0
LOC107445380 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971467.1 7709 9477 - gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF57.1 aug3.g19217 LOC107445380 0.000000002
LOC107446494 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971791.1 50314 64840 + uncharacterized LOC107446494 aug3.g19215 LOC107446494 2e-52
LOC107446495 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971791.1 82764 98959 - plasminogen aug3.g19214 LOC107446495 0
LOC122272331 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971801.1 28973 30007 + uncharacterized LOC122272331 aug3.g19212,aug3.g25816 NA 0
LOC107446488 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971801.1 30929 42838 - uncharacterized LOC107446488 aug3.g19213,aug3.g24156 LOC107446488 0
LOC107446487 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971801.1 44107 44805 - uncharacterized LOC107446487 aug3.g19213 LOC107446487 0
LOC107446497 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971864.1 10722 26736 + uncharacterized LOC107446497 aug3.g19216 LOC107446497 0
LOC107446496 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971864.1 29746 42935 - zinc finger protein 271 aug3.g19217 LOC107446496 0
LOC122272362 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971864.1 35012 35821 - gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF49.1-like aug3.g19217 NA 0
LOC122272511 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024972155.1 4258 28500 - uncharacterized LOC122272511 aug3.g19213 NA 1e-140
LOC110283476 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024975839.1 4868 5383 + uncharacterized LOC110283476 aug3.g19213 LOC110283476 0
LOC122273830 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024981077.1 1777 2438 + uncharacterized LOC122273830 aug3.g19213 NA 4e-101
18 records were found.(Max.=1000)

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda, Takanori Akaiwa, and Hiroki Oda. (2022) Reconstruction of the Global Polarity of an Early Spider Embryo by Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Analysis(Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:933220)

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Last updated by Hiroki Oda, 2022.11.02