Pt_spiderBASE v3

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Single Cell/Nucleus UMAP Plot Search

Gene/Transcript Records
NCBI geneID (-> UMAP)Ptep1.0/2.0 (-> genome browser)Scaffold AN (-> genome browser)StartEnd+/-Productaug3ID in Ptep2geneID in Ptep2E-value(for checking the relationship)
LOC107452647 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969683.1 1140511 1159342 - uncharacterized LOC107452647 aug3.g23644 LOC107452647 0
LOC107452643 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969683.1 1214522 1244612 + tubulin-specific chaperone E aug3.g23646 LOC107452643 0
LOC107452805 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024969951.1 11707 34576 - tubulin polyglutamylase TTLL6-like aug3.g23649,aug3.g21111 LOC107452805 0
LOC107454821 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970050.1 685673 711049 + uncharacterized LOC107454821 aug3.g23640 LOC107454821 2e-50
LOC107448920 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970089.1 105995 118590 + pseudogene aug3.g23640 LOC107448920 2e-101
LOC107448715 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024970929.1 109165 164676 - fatty acid-binding protein aug3.g2364 LOC107448715 0
LOC107457116 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971003.1 56053 75047 - uncharacterized LOC107457116 aug3.g25376,aug3.g23643,aug3.g20416,aug3.g16566,aug3.g24817,aug3.g16035 LOC107457116 2e-119
LOC107453518 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024971558.1 8678 18910 + pseudogene aug3.g23640 LOC107453518 4e-92
LOC107444251 Ptep1.0/2.0 NW_024973799.1 3344 9124 - uncharacterized LOC107444251 aug3.g23640 LOC107444251 7e-61
9 records were found.(Max.=1000)

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda, Takanori Akaiwa, and Hiroki Oda. (2022) Reconstruction of the Global Polarity of an Early Spider Embryo by Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Analysis(Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10:933220)

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Last updated by Hiroki Oda, 2022.11.02